8 Apps That Will Improve Your Chances of Landing a Job

8 Apps That Will Improve Your Chances of Landing a Job


Chances of Landing a Job Apps

Job hunting can be a pretty mentally painstaking endeavour. Not only is it tricky finding companies that you like (and who are hiring) but it’s also tricky getting everything into place to ensure your interview goes smoothly and they love your CV. Let’s face it – the whole process is tiring, exhausting and often seems to have no end (depending on your luck). Luckily though, thanks to smart phones and the internet, there are several apps that can make job hunting that little bit easier. So here are some great apps to improve your chances of landing a job.

Pocket CV iPhone App Review

Pocket CV Pocket Resume - Mani Ghasemlou

This great little app will let you create, edit and modify your CV to make it perfect for sending off to employers. A great CV is the first step towards getting a great job – so make sure you have yours in top shape.

Monster Jobs iPhone App Review

Monster.com Jobs Monster.com Jobs - Monster Worldwide

Monster are a big player in the “job search industry” and their website is updated with new jobs daily. This great app lets you saved jobs, apply for jobs and even edit your CV. It will also notify you when new apps pop up in your industry.


Interview Buddy iPhone App Review

Interview Buddy InterviewBuddy - Glass Hand

Do you work in the tech industry? Well you won’t want to apply to any job without having practised your interview techniques with this app first. It has sample interview questions, great CV tools and even a job search tool too. Perfect for making sure you go in with confidence, and making sure you nail the job interview.


Job Finder iPhone App Review

Job Finder App Job Finder - BluePal

Yet another great app for searching available jobs and job advertisements. You’ll be surprised how easy this app make looking for jobs, and how easily it lets you manage your job hunt on the move. Perfect for busy people!


Jobs iPhone App Review

Career Builder Jobs - CareerBuilder, LLC

This great job search app was the first of its kind and it the original and some might argue the best. The app lets you search over 2 Million job advertisments on average – which is great for those who like variety!
101 great answers to tough interview questions

Do you always get stumped on tricky interview questions? Well this app has 101 answers to help you out! You’ll be the best interviewee of the day once you’ve read all these great answers. It really is the ultimate way to prepare yourself for any tough interview situations – and you’ll perform so much better knowing that you’re confident and ready for anything.

Craigster iPhone App review

Craigster Craigster - Craigslist Classifieds - Magnolia Labs, Inc.

The Craigster app is run via the Craigslist website – which is often a great place to start searching for local jobs in your local area. This app does cost a little – but it’ll be worth it as you may find the perfect job right nearby.


SnapDat Digital Business Cards iPhone App Review

SnapDat SnapDat Digital Business Cards - SnapDat Networks, Inc.

SnapDat is a business card sharer which lets you share and distribute your business cards among prospective employers. It has 40 design templates; essentially allowing you to create multiple versions of business cards, which is great for targeting various business sectors.


This list of useful apps was contributed by AgencyCentral.co.uk; the online directory for recruitment agencies up and down the UK.


  1. SnapDat and the ob search apps look pretty good, not sure how useful an mock interview app can be though. Has anyone used one before?


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